[Solved]Folder access permission for creating Symbolic Link in Laravel #2

Ever faced an error of “Folder access permission” for creating Symbolic Link in Laravel?

If yes, keep reading, because the post explains the error, its cause and of course the solution

Recently, I developed a web page with Laravel 9.X, which works correctly in local, but when I upload it to my Host, I am having problems with Folder access permission for creating Symbolic Link.

Here is your hostinger cyber panel.

You can see in your cyber panel your permission look like following:

Now you can click on Fix Permission Button

After clicking on the fix permission button you can see the message for permission successfully fixed!.

Also change in permission column.

That’s it.🙂

I hope the above-provided solution will be helpful to you in solving the Folder access permission for creating Symbolic Link in Laravel.

Comment if you still have any queries or doubts. 🙂

Also, share this solution via social media with your developer friends.

Thanks for reading! 🍀


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