Enhancing Laravel’s About Command: Locale and Time zone Now Included 

Hello, Laravel Developers! 

The Laravel community continuously seeks ways to elevate user experience and developer tools. Recently, Amir Khalife Soltani introduced a valuable enhancement to Laravel about command by incorporating Locale and Time Zone information. This addition empowers developers to check vital configuration details swiftly, ensuring their applications are optimally set up for various regional settings.   

Effectively managing a Laravel application necessitates a clear comprehension of its configuration settings. The About command already provides extensive insights into the environment. With the inclusion of Locale and Time Zone information, developers can now verify essential settings without sifting through configuration files.  

Upon executing php artisan, developers are now presented with enriched details about their Laravel environment. In addition to PHP, Laravel versions, and the application environment, the output now prominently displays configured Locale and Time Zone settings. 


Quick Verification: Instantly confirm locale and timezone settings, reducing configuration problems. 

Better Teamwork: Easily compare settings to ensure consistency across team environments. 

Easier Debugging : Access to locale and timezone details helps identify issues related to date, time, and localization. 


php artisan about

List Out the Command:  

  • php artisan –help OR -h: Running this command with -help or h displays help information for a given artisan command.  
  • php artisan –quiet OR -q: This command suppresses all output messages. 
  • php artisan –version OR -V: It displays the current version of the Laravel application.  
  • php artisan –ansi: Force enabling ANSI output.  
  • php artisan –no-ansi: Disable ANSI output.  
  • php artisan –env: Set the environment in which the command should run.  
  • php artisan –verbose: Enhance the detail of messages for troubleshooting and debugging needs.  
  • php artisan clear-compiled: Remove the compiled class file.  
  • php artisan env: Display the current framework environment.  
  • php artisan help: Display help information for a specific command.  
  • php artisan list: List all available artisan commands.
  •  php artisan tinker: Start an interactive shell for interacting with your application.  
  • php artisan down: Put your website into maintenance mode.  
  • php artisan up: Bring the website out of maintenance mode.  
  • php artisan optimize [–force] [–psr]: Optimize the Laravel framework for better performance. The -force flag forces the compiled class file to be written, and -psr is used to skip optimizing Composer dump-autoload.  
  • php artisan serve : Serve the application on the PHP development server. You can specify a port or host if needed.  
  • php artisan app:name namespace: Set the application namespace.  
  • php artisan auth:clear-resets: Flush expired password reset tokens.  
  • php artisan cache:clear: Flush the application cache.
  •  php artisan cache:table: Create a migration for the cache database table. 
  •  php artisan config:cache: Create a cache file for faster configuration loading.  
  • php artisan config:clear: Delete the cached configuration file. 
  • php artisan event:generate: Generate missing events and event handlers based on registration.  
  • php artisan handler:command [–command=”…”] name: Create a new command handler class. You can specify the command it handles.  
  • php artisan handler:event [–event=”…”] [–queued] name: Create a new event handler class. You can specify the event it handles and whether it should be queued.  
  • php artisan key:generate: Set the application encryption key.  
  • php artisan make:command [–handler] [–queued] name: Create a new Artisan command. Use the -handler flag to generate a handler and -queued to make it queued.
  • php artisan make:console [–command[=”…”]] name: Create a new console command.  
  • php artisan make:controller [–plain] name: Generate a new resourceful controller class. Use -plain to generate an empty controller.  
  • php artisan make:event EmailSend: Create a EmailSend event class.  
  • php artisan migrate:status: Show List Out migrations up/down.  
  • php artisan queue:table: Create a migration for the queue jobs database table.
  • php artisan queue:failed: List Out the failed queue jobs.  
  • php artisan queue:failed-table: Create a migration for the failed queue jobs database table.  
  • php artisan queue:flush: Flush all of the failed queue jobs.  
  • php artisan queue:forget: Delete a specific failed queue job.  
  • php artisan queue:restart: Restart queue worker daemons after their current job.  
  • php artisan queue:retry id: Retry a specific failed queue job by providing its ID.  
  • php artisan queue:subscribe [–type[=”…”]] queue url: Subscribe a URL to an Iron.io push queue.  
  • php artisan queue:work [–queue[=”…”]] [–daemon] [–delay[=”…”]] [–force] [–memory[=”…”]] [–sleep[=”…”]] [–tries[=”…”]] [connection]: Process the next job on a queue, with options for queue type, daemon mode, and more.
  • php artisan route:cache: Create a route cache file for faster route registration.  
  • php artisan route:clear: Remove the route cache file.
  • php artisan route:list: List all registered routes.  
  • php artisan schedule:run: Run the scheduled commands. 
  • php artisan session:table: Create a migration for the session database table.


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