Quick Guide to CRUD Operations in Laravel 11 

In Laravel, CRUD operations termed – Create, Read, Update, and Delete are the building blocks of most web applications and Languages. Laravel 11 offers a straightforward approach to handling them, helping developers manage data. This blog post includes helpful suggestions to expedite your development and concise implementation of CRUD operations in Laravel 11.

Introduction to CRUD Operations  

The fundamental operations that enable us to interact with the data in our apps are referred to as CRUD. Because Eloquent ORM offers an intuitive ActiveRecord implementation for database operations, Laravel makes it especially simple to carry out these tasks. 

Step 1: Setting Up Laravel 11 

Establishing your Laravel 11 project is necessary before you can begin CRUD operations. If you haven’t already, you can begin by using Composer to create a new Laravel project:  

After installation, navigate into your project directory: 

Step 2: Creating a Model and Migration 

Let’s assume you’re managing a library of books. The first step is to create a model and migration for the books table: 

This command generates a Book model along with a migration file in the database/migrations directory. Next, you’ll want to define the schema for your books table in the migration file: 

After defining the schema, run the migration to create the table: 

Step 3: Crafting a Controller and Routes 

Now, let’s create a resource controller for handling the CRUD operations on the Book model: 

This command sets up a BookController with methods for creating, reading, updating, and deleting records. You’ll need to register the resource routes in ‘routes/web.php’ : 

Step 4: Implementing CRUD Operations 

With your controller in place, it’s time to implement the methods for each CRUD operation in BookController.php. 

  • Create (Store): Handles the logic for storing a new book in the database. 
  • Read (Index): Retrieves and displays a list of all books. 
  • Update (Edit and Update): Modifies an existing book’s details. 
  • Delete (Destroy): Removes a book from the database. 

Here’s a quick look at how you can implement these methods: 

Store Method (Create a New Book): 

Index Method (Display a List of Books): 

Edit Method (Show the Form for Editing a Book): 

Update Method (Update the Book’s Information): 

Destroy Method (Delete a Book): 

Step 5: Designing Views : 

he final step is to create Blade templates to manage the display and input forms for your books. The views will be located in the resources/views/books directory. 

  • index.blade.php: Displays the list of books. 
  • Create.blade.php and edit.blade.php contain forms for adding and editing books.  

The index.blade.php file is structured as follows:  


You can rapidly build up CRUD operations in Laravel 11 by following these instructions. Any web application needs these fundamental functions, and becoming proficient with them can greatly increase your developer productivity. Make sure to refer to the official Laravel documentation for more sophisticated functionality and customisation options. 


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