Building a Real-Time Stock Market Dashboard with Node.js, React, and MongoDB

The blog will guide readers through creating a real-time stock market dashboard application using Nodejs, React, and MongoDB. This project involves fetching real-time 

 stock data, managing data in a MongoDB database, and displaying it using React with real-time updates.  


Overview: Explain the dashboard’s purpose to provide real-time updates on stock prices, including top gainers and losers.  

Technologies Used: Node.js, Express js, MongoDB, React, WobSocket.  

Setting Up the Project 

Prerequisites: – Node.js, npm, MongoDB, basic knowledge of JavaScript and React. 

Project Structure: – Outline the structure of your project (backend and frontend).

Backend Development. 

Initialize Project 

  1. Set up Node.js project with Express 
  2. Install necessary packages: express, mongoose, axios, ws (for WebSocket).

Connect to MongoDB  

  1. Set up Mongoose to connect to MongoDB.
  2. Define a schema for storing stock data.

Fetching Real-Time Data  

  1. Use an external API (e.g., Angel One or SmartAPI) to fetch real-time stock data.
  2. Implement endpoints to serve stock data to the frontend.

Implement WebSocket  

  1. Set up WebSocket server to push real-time updates to clients.
  2. Integrate WebSocket with the stock data fetching mechanism. 

User Authentication  

  1. Implement user login functionality with OTP verification.
  2. Ensure users can only be logged in from one device at a time.

Frontend Development  

Initialize React Project  

  1. Create a new React application.
  2. Install necessary packages: axios,, @mui/material (for UI components)

Create Ul Components  

Stock Dashboard: – Display real-time stock data, top gainers, and losers.  

Stock Chart: –  Visualize stock trends using a charting library (e.g., Chart.js or Recharts). 

Integrate WebSocket  

  1. Set up WebSocket client to receive real-time updates.
  2. Update the UI dynamically based on incoming data.

Implement User Authentication.  

  1. Integrate with the backend to handle user login and session management.
  2. Ensure only one device per user is logged in at a time.

Putting It All Together  

Deploying the Application: Briefly describe how to deploy both backend and frontend (e.g., using Heroku, Vercel). 

Testing:- Perform end-to-end testing to ensure everything works as expected  


Summary :- Recap the steps taken to build the dashboard. 

Future Enhancements :- Suggest potential features for future updates, like adding more advanced analytics or integrating additional stock data sources. 


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